New Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) NOT-OD-21-134: Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry and Re-integration into Health-Related Research Careers.
First Available Due Date: November 1, 2021
NCATS Specific Information: For investigators developing independent research careers this supplement will provide up to and no more than $100,000/year for salary, plus fringe benefits. See terms and conditions in the FOA.
Specific information for the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program:
- The CTSA Program will accept supplement applications to active CTSA Program UL1-Linked Specialized Center Cooperative Agreement grants.
- NCATS will accept up to two applications for review consideration during a fiscal year from any one CTSA Program hub award.
- For CTSA Program specific information and guidance on submitting applications see:
- For CTSA Program Specific FAQs for Re-Entry Supplements see:
Prospective applicants and their mentors are strongly encouraged to contact their respective NCATS program officer and/or the scientific contact listed in this opportunity during the initial preparation of a supplement application and prior to its submission to discuss the goals and objectives of the supplement application.
Questions may be directed to: Jamie Mihoko Doyle, PhD (