Opioid Analgesic Reduction Study (OARS):
Driving Quality Improvement in Clinical Trials


Dr. Janine Fredericks-Younger:
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine

Dr. Cecile Feldman:
Dean of Rutgers School of Dental Medicine


o   The workshop is designed for anyone interested in learning about data quality management within clinical trials.  The presentation will highlight strategies our team used in developing a continuous quality improvement program for our clinical trial and enable participants to explore strategies that they can incorporate into their clinical research studies


o   Describe the Opioid Analgesic Reduction Study (OARS)
o   Develop an understanding of clinical trial quality management
o   Explore the tools and processes which support the OARS continuous quality program
o   Summarize strategies to incorporate continuous quality improvement into clinical trial design and conduct

 Registration Link: https://rutgers.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uceqgqz0sGNRqdxoGXu02Pk6a0T8O7UIF