Deep6 Training & Access

Deep6 non-oncology cohorts are centrally managed through the CTO. To request a feasibility assessment or a list of potentially eligible participants, go here.

For staff who wish to review potentially eligible participants through the Deep6 portal, an account is required. Accessing the Deep6 portal will grant those on the IRB application the ability to view the potentially eligible participants alongside the EMR evidence.


For Deep6 Screener Access:

  1. Ensure you have EMR access. Deep6 access will not be granted unless you already have access to the EMR.
  2. Request an account using the CTO Support Portal.
    • Select “User Access Request”
    • Select Deep6
    • Fill in the requested information.
  3. The CTO will review the request. If approved, you will receive an automated email with a link to complete a self-paced training on the University’s LMS Canvas. The training is designed to take around 30 minutes.
  4. After completing the training, email the certificate of completion to our office at and we will complete the provisioning of your account.



Still have questions? Contact the Clinical Trials Office at