
The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) is responsible for the management of:

  1. All non-oncology clinical research studies being conducted under Rutgers Health faculty members.
  2. Studies that are industry or for-profit funded.
  3. Where Rutgers is serving as the sponsor of an applicable clinical trial with industry support.

This includes any related clinical trial site agreements and any associated work order and research plan agreements with its affiliated hospital institutions. This also includes any faculty or physician-investigator whose primary appointment is with Rutgers Health, and in most cases not to include those whose primary appointment lies with CINJ.

Please note: government or non-profit funded studies are handled by the Rutgers Office for Research and Sponsored Programs by submitting through RAPSS.   

To learn more about the contracting process, view the budget and contracting SOP.

If you are not sure whether your contract needs are in the Clinical Trials Office scope, contact