In Vivo Research Services (IVRS)
The mission of the IVRS is to provide centralized high quality, cost-effective research services to both academic and industry clients. Rutgers has a wealth of experience, capabilities and models that are routinely used to answer critical in vivo research questions. IVRS provide a comprehensive program of animal care including consultation, experimental design, protocol preparation, a duly constituted animal care and use committee, occupational health and laboratory safety, BSL3 in vivo biohazard research, and full-time veterinary care. Rutgers offers competitive fee-for-service pricing, confidentiality, accuracy, and rapid service. Our team is dedicated to humane animal research.
What do we do for Rutgers Faculty?
- Provide technical services for:
–faculty who never have done or do not have knowledge of in vivo studies
–faculty who are short of staff
–faculty who need experts to perform specialized procedures or surgeries
- Types of technical services, fee-for-service basis
–Technical assistant on per hour basis
–Performing entire research project
- In vivo model consultation
- Hands-on training (surgeries or procedures)
- Letters of support for grants
- Co-Investigator for federal grants
- IVRS offer discounted fees for biological tests
IVRS Research Services
- Fee-for-service basis
- Competitive pricing
- Flexibility
- Confidentiality
- Accuracy
- Rapid service
- IVRS veterinary and technical staff have capabilities and expertise to perform broad range of in vivo research
- IVRS offers “one stop shop” services collaborating with other core facilities
Examples of Services Offered
- Training: Routine or specialized procedures and surgeries (CMR staff usually perform the routine procedure trainings)
- Non-surgical procedures
- Routine procedures: injections, bleedings, fluid collection
- Specialized procedures: intrathecal (IT), intranasal (IN), intra-orbital (IO), Intraventricular (ICV), Subrenal capsule, intra-mammary gland, intra-cardiac, intravitreal injections
- Surgical models: TBI model, splenectomy, hepatectomy, thymectomy, vasectomy, ovariectomy, vagotomy, pyloroplasty, double carotid occlusion. Cannulation jugular vein or carotid artery, bile duct, intrathecal, intracerebroventricle (IVC), lymph duct splenectomy, hepatectomy, thymectomy, pyloroplasty, double carotid occlusion, stereotactic surgeries
- Surgical and non-surgical model development
- IVRS staff will assist you to develop animal models
- Preclinical studies: PK, PD and ADME studies
- Xenograft studies: mouse strains selection, performing studies (tumor cells injections,PDX, orthotopic and surgical metastatic models)
- Consultation: animal models selection, grant preparation, experimental design
Rodent Research Equipment
- CODA® noninvasive blood pressure monitor: measures six blood pressure parameters: systolic, diastolic, and mean BP, heart rate, tail blood volume and blood flow
- Physio Suite® peri-op monitoring system: monitors for pulse oximetry, heart rate, O2, end-tidal CO2
- High throughput inhalation anesthetic machines
- Stereotaxic device for Mice & Rats
- Stereo microscope for microsurgery with monitor and camera
IVRS Laboratory Diagnostic Devices
- Heska Element DC5X ® Blood Chemistry Analyzer measures: BUN, CREA, ALP, ALT, PHOS, GGT, TBIL, AS, GLU, TP, ALB, Ca, Mg, NH3, TRIG, LIP, AMY, CK, URIC, CHOL, LDH, Electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-)
- Hematology analyzer
- White blood cell (WBC) total WBC number and % of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils
- Red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelets, MCV, MCH, MCHC, MPV, Red Blood Cell Distribution (RDW-CV)
Large Animal Surgery Facility at Newark
Pig, sheep, dog, rabbit
1.Animal Preparation room
2.Surgeon Preparation room
3.Two Operating suites
4.Two Large Animal recovery rooms
Large Animal Surgery Equipment
1.Anesthesia machines , 3 units
2.Fluoroscopy machine, 1 unit
3.Operating tables (3 tables)
4.EPOC, Blood Gas & Electrolyte Analyzer
5.Miscellaneous surgical support equipment
Service Fees
- IVRS Technical staff $65/hour
- Veterinarian $100/hour
- Please refer to this link for additional charges:
IVRS Leadership

Jeetendra Eswaraka, DVM, PhD, DACLAM
Associate Vice President

IVRS Staff

Ray Rosa
Research Assistant

Jiadong Li
Research Assistant