CHI Science Seminar: “Interrogating the Role of NRXN1 Copy Number Variation in Neuropsychiatric Diseases Using iPSC Models”

CHI Science Seminar: "Interrogating the Role of NRXN1 Copy Number Variation in Neuropsychiatric Diseases Using iPSC Models" - View Flyer Guest Speaker: ChangHui Pak, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Natural Sciences University of Massachusetts Amherst Join Zoom Meeting HERE! Meeting ID:991 9878 1453 Password: 737529

RWJMS: NJ ACTS Resource to Enhance Clinician Scientist Training

RWJMS: NJ ACTS Resource to Enhance Clinician Scientist Training Presenter: Reynold A. Panettieri, Jr., MD - Vice Chancellor, Rutgers Institute of Translational Medicine and Science; Professor of Medicine, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Join here!

Research Resources Workshop Wednesday

Research Resources Workshop Wednesday -Topic: Metabolomics Shared Resources, Xiaoyang Su, PhD – Assistant Professor, RWJMS Dept. of Medicine, Christopher Buettner, MD, PhD, Professor, RWJMS Dept. of Medicine, Hyok Joon Kwon, PhD, Assistant Professor, RWJMS Dept. of Medicine. Join webinar here!

Harokopio University & Rutgers University: 1st Joint e-Symposium

Harokopio University & Rutgers University: 1st Joint e-Symposium - Employing Technology to Improve Health Assessment, Health Communication, &  Healthcare Delivery (Research from Greece and the U.S.A.) Register HERE! For more information, view flyer.

RWJMS Rutgers Project ECHO Series: Structural Racism & COVID-19

RWJMS Rutgers Project ECHO Series 9th session: Structural Racism & COVID-19. Register here! Robin Eubanks, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Health Professions, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies will be presenting.      

CINJ Cancer Pharmacology Research Program

CINJ Cancer Pharmacology Research Program- Biologic formulation using robotics guided by artificial intelligence, Adam Gorley, Rutgers, Register Here