
A digital badge refers to a visual representation of learned skills and knowledge.  It can be earned by attending a credit or non-credit bearing course, accomplishing a particular course requirement (co-curricular), developing a competency, or acquiring knowledge necessary for professional development.

NJ ACTS is now offering Badges in the following areas – click links to learn more:


Badge Description
Clinical Research Coordination Level 1 To introduce individuals to the responsibilities, knowledge, and tasks performed by entry-level Clinical Research Coordinators.
Community Scientist For community members interested in learning how human subject research can be conducted effectively and safely in their communities.
Lab-to-Market Provides innovators with the understanding to translate academic discoveries into practical solutions.
Team Science: Collaboration in Biomedical Sciences Provides individuals with the key skills, abilities, and knowledge of the principles of team science to conduct transdisciplinary, team-based translational research in the biomedical sciences.
Certificate in Clinical Informatics and Data Science: 3 Badge Series NEW!  A series teaching the process and methods of machine learning as used in clinical research and reporting. Designed for students who are already professionally engaged in health care or public health and who want to improve their technical skills.

Digital Badging Program at NCATS

When you participate in certain NCATS translational science education and training opportunities, you may be eligible to earn digital badges. NCATS uses Credly as their digital badge platform. You will need to create a free account with Credly to claim your badge.

NCATS Badges
Badge Open to Description

Principles of Preclinical Translational Science

The public Badge earners have completed the online course Principles of Preclinical Translational Science. This means you have gained an understanding of key concepts in translation, including core scientific and operational principles that help to facilitate progress along the translational pipeline, from discoveries to delivery of health solutions. Learn more about the course for this badge, Principles for Preclinical Translational Science.

Translational Science in the COVID-19 Pandemic

The public Badge earners have completed the online course Translational Science in the COVID-19 Pandemic. You have gained an understanding of effective translational science strategies used by NCATS and NIH colleagues to address research challenges magnified during the COVID-19 pandemic and to bring COVID diagnostics and therapeutics to the public. Learn more about the course for this badge, Translational Science in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Storytelling in Translational Science NCATS intramural trainees only Badge earners have demonstrated their ability to tell a comprehensive and impactful story about their research, translational science and NCATS using the NCATS Storytelling Guide Worksheet. Learn More
Translational Science Training Program Intramural graduate students and postdoctoral fellows Badge earners have participated in the Translational Science Training Program offered through NIH’s Office of Intramural Training and Education. You have gained an understanding of the drug development process, translational science approaches to accelerate drug discovery and development, and research proposal development in translational science. You will also gain an understanding of careers related to translational science. Learn More
Advancing Innovation through Mentorship (AIM) NCATS employees Badge earners have participated in the Advancing Innovation through Mentorship (AIM) Program at NCATS. Learn More
Assay Guidance Manual (AGM) Workshop for High-Throughput Screening and Lead Discovery NIH intramural trainees Badge earners have participated in the AGM Workshop for High-Throughput Screening and Lead Discovery. Through the workshop, you will have gained exposure to a broad range of critical concepts underlying assay development and implementation for high-throughput screening and lead discovery projects, with a focus on rigor and reproducibility. Learn More
Fundamentals of Omics Data Analysis NIH intramural trainees Badge earners have completed the online course, Fundamentals of Omics Data Analysis. You have learned the fundamentals of coding in R as it relates omic data analyses. You used these coding abilities to conduct common data manipulations , quality checks and visualizations, basic statistical analyses and pathway analyses. Learn More