Joel S. Bloom, DEd
Joel S. Bloom, DEd
President, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Joel S. Bloom started his career in industry working as an economist. He subsequently became an educator and administrator for the New York City public schools. Prior to coming to New Jersey, he worked as a research director and instructor at Teachers College, Columbia University. In New Jersey, he managed state and federally-funded curriculum development and training centers for the state. From 1983 through 1990, Dr. Bloom served as assistant commissioner in the NJ Department of Education for the Division of General Academic Education. He was responsible for managing many of the education department’s initiatives including competency testing, curriculum content standards, pre-school programs, establishment of 17 model effective schools, over 300 grants and contracts, and a $24 million budget.
Since joining NJIT in July 1990, Dr. Bloom has served the university in many capacities and in 1996, was promoted to vice president for academic and student services. In this role, he was responsible for nine divisions of the university, including pre-college programs, enrollment management, continuing professional education, career development services, dean of student services, freshman studies, educational opportunity programs, library services, physical education and athletics.
Dr. Bloom was appointed as the first dean of the Albert Dorman Honors College in 1998, in addition to his vice president responsibilities. The Honors College currently enrolls over 650 students who come from 15 states and several foreign countries. The average SAT score is over 1330 and the majority of the incoming freshman class members graduated in the top 15 percent of their high school class. More than 50 percent of the Honors College students maintain a grade-point average higher than 3.5.
Dr. Bloom is presently chair of the Science Park Board, treasurer of the NJ President’s Council, and treasurer of the NJEDge.Net Board. In addition, he serves as a member of the following boards: the Board for Communities and Schools, Newark Alliance, Philadelphia Alliance for Minority Participation, La Casa de Don Pedro, and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities Presidents Council. Dr. Bloom has been the recipient of national and state education awards, as well as federal, foundation and corporate grant awards. He has published journal articles and presented papers on school improvement, curriculum department, college transition and student assessment.
Dr. Bloom holds a master’s degree and a doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University. He also earned master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Hunter College of the City University, New York City.