Consulting and Other Services

Community Engagement

Community Engagement plays a pivotal role in fostering collaborative academic-community research partnerships and enhancing public knowledge of and trust in clinical and translational research. We help develop trusted academic-community collaborations.

CLICK HERE to request a free consultation

Learn More about Our Services.

Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research Design (BERD)

Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research Design (BERD) was created to enhance clinical and translational research across the NJ ACTS community by providing professional, high quality study design, quantitative and qualitative (mixed methods) data analysis, survey research and data management services, development of innovative methodologies, as well as extensive group and individual training and instruction in biostatistics, epidemiology, and research design.

CLICK HERE for Rutgers University Biostatistics & Epidemiology Services (RUBIES) support

Learn More about BERD.


Informatics Services integrates, enhances and expands data from disparate clinical and research sources for researchers as well as augments analytics capabilities and training across the research enterprise.

Learn More about Informatics

Regulatory Knowledge & Support

Regulatory Knowledge and Support offers regulatory and quality assurance support in all aspects of clinical research from preclinical requirements to first-in-human studies and beyond. We bring unique expertise to benefit the entire research team, from research coordinators to Principal Investigators. We can provide knowledgeable guidance and advice with local and federal regulations, and facilitate early engagement and education for stakeholders for the timely and complete submission of necessary applications.

How can we help you?

  • Answer general or specific questions about regulatory rules and approval process
  • See if your project meets the definition of human subjects research
  • Problem-solve on proposed projects, including protocols, consent forms, eIRB, etc.
  • Help determine the type of IRB submission required (full board vs. expedited vs. exempt)
  • Assist with additional regulatory requirements (i.e. IACUC, Institutional Biosafety, data sharing agreements, material transfer agreements, IND submissions,, etc.)
  • Determination of compliance documents for NJ ACTS Pilot Award Recipients
  • Advise on the (CTG) process

Our consultations are free, and the information you provide is confidential.

You can ask questions, chat with an expert, or request a consultation by phone, email or via Zoom/Webex.

Reach out to us now!

Ask us your questions or request a consult by clicking here:

One of our regulatory experts will be immediately alerted and will respond within 1 business day!

Learn More about Regulatory Core

Special Populations

Special Populations – With our expertise in community engagement, social determinants of health, and population health data resources, NJ ACTS can help you integrate special populations into your research study design, research team, and as participants in your health research studies.

Request a Consultation – Investigators, research team members, trainees and community members can request a consultation from the Integrating Special Populations team by contacting Kylie Davidson

Learn More about Special Populations

Team Science

Team Science is a collaborative effort to address a scientific challenge that leverages the strengths and expertise of professionals trained in different fields.

The Team Science Core offers general and project-specific consultations on building and maintaining successful research teams and collaborations. To set up a consultation, please fill out the intake form.

Learn More about Team Science

Machine Learning

Machine Learning Approaches to Mental Illness and Chronic Disease aims to leverage modern statistical machine learning techniques to investigate the structure of mental illness and its relationship to chronic illness.

  1. Laboratory Experiments – For laboratory experiments with psychiatric patients and associated machine-learning based data analytics, the core has a service center that is available to the broader NJ ACTS community: The Rutgers-Princeton Center for Computational Cognitive Neuro-Psychiatry (CCNP). For more information, please visit the CCNP website or email
  2. Collaboration – The Core supports the broader NJ ACTS community by collaborating with other NJ ACTS researchers to apply the same machine learning-based techniques and software to investigate other problems in clinical research beyond mental health. Modern, scalable statistical approaches extend classic data analysis approaches (such as factor analysis and Cox regression) to large, irregularly structured datasets. We are releasing software to the NJ ACTS community for some of these analyses, and are also keen to collaborate on new data analysis questions. Please email Nathaniel Daw for further information.
Python Professional Training
Basic Data Mining Sessions – Course Descriptions and Videos
Advanced Data Mining Sessions – Course Descriptions and Videos

Learn More about Machine Learning


Biomarkers Core promotes and supports non-oncological translational research by Rutgers investigators and their collaborators. Our team of experts in molecular and cellular biology and in immunology helps identify state-of-the-art approaches to tackle research questions in infectious and non-infectious diseases.

The core’s services span assistance in experimental design and project development, scientific collaboration and consultation. Supported by access to BSL2+ and BSL3 laboratories, the biomarker core is uniquely apt at supporting COVID-19 research.

Core Services

  • Consultation, experiment planning, and service outsourcing
  • Assistance with data generation for manuscript or grant preparation
  • Set up projects as collaboration
  • IgG, IgM and IgA antibody testing and titer determination
  • Detection of IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4
  • Antibody effector functions
  • Memory B cell and T cell immunophenotyping
  • RNA flow cytometry


Consultation RequestsService Request Form

Please email request forms to Natalie Bruiners. We will be in contact to set up a virtual consultation to determine how the core can serve your scientific needs.

Additional Information:
Important: Because projects carried out in the facility involve pathogens, we require adherence to regulations or approvals by standard operating procedures (SOP), institutional review boards (IRB) and institutional biosafety committees (IBC) for all experiments. For additional questions regarding biosafety contact REHS: office phone (973) 972-8424.

Fee Structure

Consultation Antibody assays/T and B cell assays
Consultation Free 1 hour
NJ ACTS member $30 per hour
NJ ACTS non-member $35 per hour
Academic $40 per hour
Industry $50 per hour


Additional Partner ServicesImmune Monitoring and Advanced Genomics Shared Resource at the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey

For immunophenotyping involving scRNAseq and gene expression analysis of individual immune cell populations

a)Sample processing and storage
b)10x single cell RNA sequencing
-Amplified, barcoded cDNA from single-cell suspensions
-Library construction
-Target enrichment
-T cell, B cell and ATAC sequencing
c)Luminex serum cytokine analysis
d)Data analyzed by Rutgers core staff

Learn More about Biomarkers Core


Workforce Development Core provides a broad diversity of programs and initiatives in clinical and translational science for the spectrum of investigators, scientists, and clinical research professionals working in this field.

Among our services we offer Grant Writing Training for both Fellowships (NIH F Grants) and Career and Research (NIH K and R Grants).

Read more about Workforce Core


Clinical Trials Office

The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) improves the quality and efficiency of the clinical trials conducted at RBHS by centralizing administrative functions, such as contract and budget negotiation, Medicare Coverage Analysis and partner hospital agreements, and by harmonizing processes and procedures across RBHS.  The CTO works with the clinical research units across the campuses to offer seamless support to our faculty in implementing their clinical research.

Learn More about Clinical Trials Services, including: Budgeting, Contracting, Medicare Coverage Analysis, Regulatory Assistance and Post Award Management

Learn More about Clinical Trials Solutions, including: ClinCard, DEEP6, Docusign, eREg and OnCore


Learn More about the Clinical Trials Office